
Making IT happen

Top 3 Ways to Better Your Deals in 2020

If you’ve been an internet frequenter lately, you’ve probably seen social media circulating the many “lists” the New Year can bring; New Year, New You: Top 10 Self-care Must Haves, 10 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Keep, How to Save Money in 2020, etc.

We’re always looking out for our fellow federal sales reps so we put together Three Ways you can BETTER your deals in 2020! New Year, New Ways to maximize your deals.

1. Technology On-Premise as a Service (TOPaaS)

    TOPaaS is a unique and innovative payment offering that gives your government customer the option to pay for a solution “as a Service” using OPEX dollars - thereby avoiding a large upfront capital outlay.

    Four Inc. can convert your standard perpetual on-premise customer quote into a three-year TOPaaS payment plan for your government customer. Your customer can pay monthly, quarterly, or annually, whatever best fits their budgetary needs. The best part, since we use an “as a Service” payment model, your customer can utilize operational dollars to fund your solution.

    Not only is the TOPaaS model maximizing upfront cash flow for government customers, but it is also helping OEMs and VARs provide alternative payment solutions when selling on premise COTS products.

    2. 3-Year Subscription Licenses

    Convert 1-year subscriptions to 3-Year Subscription sales by recommending option years to your prospects, this should be done early in the acquisition cycle. Your customer benefits from having a protected price point for 3 years and it provides you with a higher revenue sale because the purchase order will be for 3 years.

    3. Multi-Year Payment Plan

    Some of your customers will have budgetary challenges in the current fiscal year and therefore won’t have enough funds to purchase your products or to execute a technical refresh. Most reps will aggressively discount their product offering in order to meet the customers budgetary constraint rather than offering a multi-year payment plan. By offering a multi-year payment plan to your customer, you can recognize a larger booking upfront while the customer pays for the technology across multiple fiscal years.

    FOUR Inc. wants to remind our OEM and VAR network that offering payment options to your government customer can help them procure essential IT solutions today while preserving their current fiscal year budget. It also allows the OEM to maximize the revenue outcome for that sale.

    In each of the scenarios the government gets a win and you and your sales team get a win!

    Cheers to BETTER Deals in 2020!


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