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About Crytica Security

Crytica Security’s patented Malware Detection platform detects malware that no one else can detect. It is reliable, resilient to compromising attacks, and blazingly fast. In an environment where the industry average for malware detection is over six months, Crytica detects even the most sophisticated new malware in mere minutes, and usually in seconds. Crytica detects:

  • The most sophisticated and newest malware, including:
    • Polymorphic (shapeshifting) malware.
    • Preemptive (defense disabling) malware.
    • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).
    • AI-Generated malware.
  • At the time of injection, before most malware has a chance to launch.
  • Using continuous scanning, close to real time monitoring.
  • So efficiently that it has minimal impact on host system performance and throughput.
  • Using tiny and efficient probes (in Linux the probe is less than 70kb):
    • Tiny enough to fit into almost all Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
    • Fast enough to scan a device with over 1M files in under 30 seconds.
    • Fast enough close the “window of opportunity” on most malware.

Crytica Malware Detection Platform integrates seamlessly into existing endpoint and server protection cybersecurity infrastructures, so that once an infection is detected, it can quickly and efficiently alert remediation platforms. Crytica’s malware detection platform is an extra thin layer that can be added into any cybersecurity stack, resulting in a highly effective integrated enhancement to EDR, MDR, XDR solutions.

Crytica Security’s Malware Detection platform is immune to the plague of false positives that is currently running rampant throughout the cybersecurity industry. Crytica’s detection algorithms are deterministic, not probabilistic. Therefore, there are no false positives!

Crytica Security’s Malware Detection platform is uniquely protected from and resilient to destructive attacks, such as those launched by preemptive malware. Its patented mutually monitoring mesh of components absorbs attacks rather than being disabled by them.

Crytica Security’s Malware Detection platform is designed to be highly flexible and easy to use. It operates as an application layer process, rather than deep with an Operating System (OS). It is, therefore, compatible with most versions of most distros of each supported OS. It is also highly adaptable and configurable to almost any network environment.

Detection is essential to security. “If you can’t detect, you can’t protect!”. Crytica Security’s Malware Detection platform can detect. It is the missing piece that enables cybersecurity systems to finally and effectively protect!

Available Contract Vehicles

ITES-SW2: W52P1J-20-D-0053
: 01-166

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