Making IT happen
With this is mind, Four Inc. was delighted to be a corporate sponsor for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) One Walk in Loudoun County, Virginia, and to have the opportunity to support an organization whose sole mission is to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes and its complications through extensive research.
This is the third year in a row that Four Inc. has walked in support of our Senior Controller, Susan Anderson whose twin daughters are both living with Type 1 Diabetes. Susan has shown Four Inc. firsthand the strength, bravery, and perseverance it takes to fight the Type 1 Diabetes battle, day in and day out. She joined the Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Chapter’s Board of Directors in July of 2017 due to her incredible work for the organization and Four Inc. was very proud to support her team Twin1D in their fundraising efforts.
JDRF has done incredible work to advance the care, and to provide hope for Type 1 Diabetics around the world. Four Inc. walks to help turn type one into type none. Please consider supporting this great cause and join us in finding a cure. See below for future walks in this area.